Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Hey blog? How ya been?

Well, it's obviously been a LOOOOOONG time since I've written anything here! I'll have to go through all my old posts to see if there is any gold I can salvage from those old ramblings.

What am I doing back here? Well, I started the NaNoWriMo project. I thought I'd make a blog to chronicle my attempt at such an ambitious writing project and post my progress, failures and experiences along the way. Something that I can look back on when it's all done and see where it likely went off the rails!

 I'll say ahead of time, this novel is going to be a wreck. I usually write poetry. This will be the longest thing I've ever written clocking in at around 50,000 words. I'm using an idea I had for a short story and half-ass developed. Hopefully I can create some interesting subplots and get a little more mileage out of it.

At any rate, you can follow my progress here if you're so inclined: R.D. Crocker

I've also got a Facebook Author page you can find here: R.D. Crocker Author

Blogging about writing... I know how redundant that is. Trust me.